La actividad física hace que el cuerpo libere sustancias químicas llamadas endorfinas, que impiden que las señales de dolor lleguen al cerebro. Estas sustancias también pueden ayudar a aliviar la …
La actividad física hace que el cuerpo libere sustancias químicas llamadas endorfinas, que impiden que las señales de dolor lleguen al cerebro. Estas sustancias también pueden ayudar a aliviar la …
¿Qué es la terapia manual? La terapia manual es un área especialidad dentro de la fisioterapia, a través de la cual se usa la manipulación de tejidos blandos y óseos …
La mayor parte de casos en los que hay presencia de una hernia discal, se produce debido a una degeneración de la columna vertebral causada por la pérdida de agua …
El dolor lumbar puede ser una de las limitaciones más frustrantes en la realización de las actividades diarias. Existen ciertas patologías asociadas al dolor lumbar que es importante diferenciar: Estenosis …
La columna en estado de reposo está soportando una presión de +70 mm Hg. La descompresión axial, a través del sistema SpineMED, consigue generar una presión negativa dentro del disco, …
En nuestro día a día adoptamos posturas durante periodos prolongados de tiempo, o bien realizamos esfuerzos con manejo de cargas, provocando grandes y continuas presiones sobre los discos intervertebrales. Los discos …
Centro Dax Tenerife ha querido dar un cualitativo salto apostando por las nuevas tecnologías, estrenando su nuevo portal web WWW.CENTRODAXTENERIFE.COM, que se adelanta a una renovación que abre lazos y nuevas …
Ein Angriff der akuten unteren Rücken Schmerzen Links,Jorge Molina zu Beginn der vergangenen Woche von einemTag zum anderen verhindern, dass er vom spielen inGranada und seiner Rückkehr zum Training mit der Gruppebis Donnerstag zu verzögern. Aber mit der Professionalität, die ihn auszeichnet, AlcoyanoStürmer hat folgte auf das Schreiben der Beratung vonÄrzten und Physiotherapeuten, und wurde für den alleinigenZweck der innovativen Behandlungen unterzogen Recovery-Zeiten zu verkürzen und so bevor neue Pepe Mel zurVerfügung. Und, natürlich, es ist ihm gelungen. Es ist eine schmerzlose Therapie und nicht-chirurgische,immer durch eine computergesteuerte TabelleBandscheiben Dekompression durch Ablenkung, ohneMuskel Krampf, im Gegensatz zu herkömmlichen Methodender Traktion. Bético Stürmer durchlief jeweils rund, mehreine weitere Arbeit mit dem Wärmetauscher in derSportstadt sieben Sitzungen von 20 Minuten. Die Belohnung für die Mühe kam am vergangenenDonnerstag, in welche, den Alcoyano Stürmer Trainingnormalerweise mit anderen zurückkehren konnte. Pepe Melbetont gestern ihre Bedeutung für das Team und den vielenMöglichkeiten haben Sie heute auf den Aufruf.
An attack of acute low back pain left out Jorge Molina at thebeginning of last week, from one day to another, preventinghim from playing in Granada and delaying his return totraining with the group until Thursday. But, with the professionalism that characterizes him,alcoyano striker has followed to the letter all the advice ofdoctors and physiotherapists, and has been subjected toinnovative treatments for the sole purpose of shortenrecovery times and to be as before new available to PepeMel. And, of course, he has succeeded. It is a painless therapy and non-surgical, getting through acomputerized table intervertebral decompression throughdistraction, without causing muscle spasm, unlikeconventional methods of traction. Bético striker hasundergone seven sessions of 20 minutes each,approximately, more a further work with the recuperator inthe sports city. The reward for the effort came last Thursday, in whichalcoyano striker could return to training normally withfellow. Pepe Mel yesterday stressed its importance in theteam and the many choices you have today to the call.
Swimming, as you may have heard on numerous occasions,is something very beneficial for back problems. In this articleI will explain what those benefits and which disciplineswould be the most suitable if you suffer from lumbar orcervical problems. Swimming presents a great advantage: allows us to exercisein desgravitacion. I.e., it is a physical activity that not only hasno impact on joints but, in addition, water is a mediumdense, able to “hold” our body, so it we weigh much less andthe submerged part of the body can move with greater ease.This allows us to strengthen our muscles without jointssuffer. But in addition, exercise in water can help us torecover joint mobility loss due to injury or surgery. What muscles are activated? Swimming is a very full year, allowing intense work of thetrunk musculature: abdominals, erector spinal, latissimusdorsi, pectoralis muscles, anterior serrato; but also themuscles of the arms and legs. What are the best disciplines of swimming if I suffer alumbar or cervical problem? In general, in both cases the best discipline is swimming onhis back, keeping the cervical spine in an aligned position,since the entire column is maintained in a horizontalposition that does not require rotation or hyperextension ofthe same. Swimming to crawl with a refined technique is also a goodchoice and should not be a problem. But we must be carefulwith the cervical column rotation when we take air. Avoid styles breaststroke and Butterfly since pose ahyperextension of the spine. Style breaststroke could be beneficial in the case of arectification of the cervical lordosis, as well as in the case of arectification of the lumbar lordosis. In the case of cervical lordosis, better discipline would beback keeping the Chin in a position of double chin. If you have a lumbar hyperlordosis, crawl style should bepracticed by keeping the head in the water. Breathing we willhelp a snorkel tube, thus preventing cervical rotations. Other benefits In addition to the benefits seen until now, working in waterimproving circulatory system due to the hydrostatic pressureand depending on the water temperature, you may alsohave beneficial effects associated with heat (such asrelaxation of muscle tension ) or cold (such as the activationof the immune and circulatory system). We must take into account that, so swimming is beneficial, aproper technique that allows us to work both sidessymmetrically, without muscle compensation, or harmfulgestures body is very important. If we don’t swim well, thebest is to have the supervision and advice of a professional.